MO Slovakia s.r.o. has been providing its experience and professionalism in the field of domestic and international shipping and logistics since 2003.
It specializes in road freight transportation of various types of goods and tailor-made logistics solutions, air and sea transportation, customs declaration services and shipment insurance beyond CMR insurance.
Company MO Slovakia, s.r.o. is a holder of Quality Certificate according to STN EN ISO 9001:2016 and Envirocertificate according to STN EN ISO 14001:2016
With more than 20 years of experience, we will provide you with quality services
MO Slovakia s.r.o. has lots of certificates
MO Slovakia s.r.o., with its tradition since 2003, offers professional services in international and domestic freight forwarding. With many years of experience since 1990, we specialize in JIT transport, road freight transport and tailor-made logistics solutions for imports.
Our many years of experience in the field of logistics and shipping, reinforced by quality certificates and an individual approach to client requirements, guarantee that your shipments are in safe hands.
We are experts in tailor-made solutions that adapt to your needs and ensure not only efficiency, but also competitive prices . Our philosophy is based on constant innovation and service improvement in order to meet and exceed your expectations.
– vnútroštátna preprava
– pracovná doba PO – PIA víkendy voľné, PO – SO
– zodpovednosť za zverené motorové vozidlo a náklad
– starostlivosť o udržiavanie interiéru a exteriéru vozidla
– kontrola naloženia a vyloženia tovaru
– správne rozloženie a zabezpečenie tovaru na vozidle
– stabilná spoločnosť na slovenskom zasielateľskom trhu
– mladý dynamický kolektív
– motivačné finančné ohodnotenie
– firemné akcie
Kontaktovaní budú iba uchádzači spĺňajúci všetky zadané kritériá.
Požiadavky na zamestnanca
stredoškolské bez maturity
stredoškolské s maturitou
B, C
– zodpovednosť
– komunikatívnosť, príjemné vystupovanie
– flexibilita
– spoľahlivosť
– samostatnosť
Your shipment in reliable hands – We have been providing you with our services for more than 20 years
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