of MO Slovakia  s.r.o.

Company owner and management of MO Slovakia  s.r.o. declare this “policy of quality, environment and health and safety ” as a means to lead the company to the continuous improvement of the efficiency of the quality management system with a priority that consists in the commitment to meet the requirements of the customer and all interested parties, the protection of the environment, as well as the protection of human health.


This “policy of quality, environment and health and safety” is part of the strategy of the company  and consists of the following aspects:

  • continuous efforts in the field of providing services and achieving a stable position of the company in its business market,
  • constant improvement of the quality of provided services and permanent improvement,
  • through prevention and measures, eliminate and reduce risks in relation to the company’s main activities, as well as accidents, occupational accidents and safety incidents in the company.
  • meeting customer requirements and increasing their satisfaction,
  • fulfillment of the company’s legislative obligations, including the requirements of interested parties,
  • constant reduction, or preventing disagreements and security incidents,
  • maintaining partnership, mutually beneficial and long-term relationships with important customers and suppliers,
  • employee satisfaction,
  • co-participation of all employees in health and safety,
  • enhancing the image and corporate culture,
  • responsibilities of the company towards the public in the field of environment.


In Bratislava : 01.01.2024